Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Attention all encore:  Oh how naive you all are.  For the blog was not created by Nate or Will, or even Mckenna... But I, the one who has DEVOTED ALL MY TIME TO THIS GROUP!  I DESERVE TO BE PRESIDENT AND YOU ALL SHOULD FOLLOW ME! I will continue to keep this blog running until The President, Vice President, and the Secretary are all gone.  They are pathetic! I will soon be the dictator of encore and you shall love me...



Melissa Kae said...

If you choose to be dictator over Encore, you must at least reveal your identity! We cannot be loyal subjects to a shrouded mystery! SHOW YOURSELF!

Josh said...

What if it's not one shrouded mystery, Wassom, but oh, I dunno... four? I may be wrong, but I think I'm hot on the trail of the mystery writer, or rather, writers.

Melissa Kae said...
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bingham said...

so....whatever happened to the blogspot? that had a short lived life of fame. i still dont know who i really was, AND I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT!!!

p.s. merry christmas everyone!

Josh said...

So... is this going to start up again anytime soon?